P2 | Cultural diversity

cultural diversity practice

Metaphorical mending

Phase one: Find something broken.

disconnection from my true self.

Befor the covid-19 crisis i was going out alot doing drugs and drinking in the weekends. In this proces of self destruction i became a really selfish person and my relationship with my then girlfriend suffered from this.
I didnt realize the person i have become until the corona crisis happend and I couldnt go out anymore. I took time to do alot of soulsearching and self reflection. It felt like i was living in a bubble for the last half year whithout knowing it.

Phase two: mending gesture.

I dont have one gesture to mend the broken part of me that i would like to fix. Its more a proces of self consciousness, talking alot and understanding the problem.

The more I talked about what i would like to change in my life the more i understood what went wrong and how i could fix this.
A example of this is that i realized some friends were just toxic for me in the sense that they are only there for having fun, drinking etc.

So one mending gesture for me is that i had to DISCONNECT from those people/lifestyle in order to CONNECT to myself again.

disconnect to reconnect

In many art projects this means dissconnection from technology to reconnect with the real. In my case i had to disconnect from people, emotions and old habbits.

MEDITATION mending gesture

In my proces of mending i tried to look for ways to reflect upon my behaviour and habbits. i found out that meditiation is for me a really good way to reflect and sort out my train of thoughts.

I want to make a video that combines my mending gestures meditation and the ocean. This video can act as a tool to fall back on when things start to stir the wrong way again.

I took shots of the ocean and expirimented with the shots to the point they gave me the most calm feeling. i found out that removing all the color exept white works the best for me.

I dont really like the sound that you hear under most meditation video's. For some reason the sound of cars passing by my house is meditive to me.

Other perspective.

In the proces of healing/mending i think its importend to get the perspective of someone else. in my case i reached out the my ex girlfriend and askes her a couple questions.

-What kind of changes did you notice in me in the period before my mending proces began?
- What influnce did i have on you during the period i was stuck in my own "bubble"?
- what kind of changes did you see during my mening proces?

SURFING mending gesture

Another thing that helped me ment was surfing alot during the corona times. i've been surfing for a couple years now but this last few months its been helping me heal alot. everytime i get in the water i feel reborn. Its also a nice spot to meditate and reflect when you are waiting for a good wave.

Click here for the video